How to Find Calm in a Busy World: A Hiker's Tale

Two little flowers, standing tall amidst a meadow painted in a riot of colors, caught my eye while I was running along a Colorado mountain trail. Amidst the vibrant palette, these bold yellow companions seemed to whisper, "Take a moment to stop and wonder."

During your hikes or jogs, have you ever simply sat down? Do you ever found yourself lost in thought while hiking or running?

Or like me, find your gaze fixed on the finish line, pausing only to catch your breath?

In our world of perpetual motion, the end of summer is a whirlwind—back-to-school hustle, early mornings, sports seasons, changing weather. The list goes on, and our connection with nature can get lost in the frenzy.

Our lives are like a never-ending race, a constant hustle and bustle that never seems to slow down. When August comes around, it feels like the world suddenly kicks into high gear, tossing chaos into the air like confetti. 

We find ourselves caught in the flurry, trying to grab hold of the swirling pieces of unpredictability.

Colorado embraced a wildflower extravaganza this year, with June's abundant rain dressing the mountains and valleys in hues of green, lilac, purple, orange, pink, and red. You won't need a map to find wildflowers on a hike; they're everywhere.

Have you ever hit the reset button on your routine?

It's like a fresh breeze, an opportunity to reflect and recalibrate.

This summer, I decided to disconnect from social media and embrace the outdoors. Longer hikes up the mountains encouraged me to slow down and sync my steps with nature's rhythm.

During these months, I bid farewell to social apps and welcomed solo hikes into my schedule. Weekends turned into outdoor adventures, with simple meals and leisurely walks with my dog. My journal pages filled with thoughts, emotions, and stories, becoming a testament to my growing connection with the natural world.

And in the midst of this evolving relationship with nature, I encountered a powerful reminder of resilience. There are those little yellow trailside rebels. Pausing my run, I met their unwavering gaze. Amidst sand and rocks, they stood as a symbol of unwavering strength, sharing their vibrant beauty, and inspiring me to find my own colors of resilience and determination.

It dawned on me that we, too, are like those flowers—each of us possessing a unique hue. A laugh that brightens the room, wisdom to share, stories waiting to be told.

Imagine being in charge of the playlist of your own life. How can you pause and truly value your unique abilities, even when life gets busy? What small actions can you take to savor and relish the special things you offer to the world?

Sunset over PIkes Peak Mountain in Colorado Springs, CO

Pause for a moment and think

What shines uniquely in you, just like those little yellow trailside flowers? Is it your laughter that spreads joy, your insights that light up conversations, or your untold stories waiting to be shared?

Imagine being the guide of your own adventure. How can you find moments to fully enjoy your special abilities, even when things get busy? What simple steps can you take to appreciate and relish the things that make you, you?

16 Ways to Reclaim Calm in Your Day

  • Nature Walks: Take a leisurely stroll in your local park or nature reserve. Allow the sights, sounds, and scents to wash over you.

  • Outdoor Meditation: Find a peaceful spot outdoors, sit down, and close your eyes. Listen to the rustling leaves, the chirping birds, and the wind's gentle whispers.

  • Nature Journaling: Bring along a notebook and jot down your thoughts, observations, or sketches as you spend time in nature.

  • Mindful Breathing: Take a few deep breaths and focus on the sensation of the air entering and leaving your lungs. Feel the connection between your breath and the natural world around you.

  • Photography Exploration: Capture the beauty of nature through photography. Pay attention to small details and unique perspectives.

  • Nature Soundscapes: Listen to recordings of nature sounds, like flowing water or birdsong, to transport yourself mentally to a peaceful outdoor setting.

  • Barefoot Connection: Walk barefoot on grass or sand to feel a direct connection with the Earth beneath you.

  • Stargazing: Spend an evening under the stars, marveling at the vastness of the universe and contemplating your place in it.

  • Sunrise or Sunset Ritual: Make it a habit to watch the sunrise or sunset and take a moment to reflect on the beauty and fleeting nature of these daily wonders.

  • Mindful Picnic: Pack a simple picnic and head to a park. Savor each bite and engage all your senses as you enjoy your meal outdoors.

  • Cloud Watching: Lie on your back and gaze at the sky, watching the clouds change shape and form. Let your imagination wander.

  • Nature Crafting: Collect natural materials like leaves, rocks, and sticks, and use them to create simple crafts that celebrate the outdoors.

  • Nature-inspired Reading: Choose a book that connects with nature, find a comfortable spot outside, and lose yourself in its pages.

  • Plant Care: Tend to potted plants or a small garden. Witness the growth and changes as you nurture these living beings.

  • Volunteer for Cleanups: Participate in local environmental cleanups to give back to nature and the community.

  • Outdoor Yoga or Stretching: Practice yoga or gentle stretching outdoors, feeling the Earth's support beneath you as you move.

What kind of rhythm do you feel in the world around you, a rhythm that seems to say, "Take a moment, soak it in, and let it shine"?

Nature offers a multitude of ways to connect with both the environment and your inner self. It's a canvas waiting to be explored, offering endless opportunities for reflection, relaxation, and growth.

So, amidst the rush, pause.

Embrace your gifts.

Slow down,

take a breath,

and let the world wait for just a moment. 

Gratefully Exploring,


Melodie Monberg