Taking Kids Hiking on Colorado Trails

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Spectacular Day Hikes for Families In Colorado Springs

Introducing your children to hiking in Colorado is an exciting but often frustrating task. Unless you are pounding out some serious elevation gain, hiking consists of a lot of walking, stopping and snacking.

Add in the altitude and hill climbing and well, you could face some pretty strong resistance from those little cherubs. We think hiking for families can be a great bonding experience.

Make it fun using a few tried and true hiking tips on these favorite Colorado trails. As veteran hiking moms, we’ve dealt with our fair share of grumbling kids during family hikes. Complaining is no fun for anyone!

Find another family to hike with, preferably with kids around the age of your won. Add in some favorite candy and most importantly, head to the right Colorado trails for exploring. Our hiking tips along with this list of the best hikes in Colorado Springs for families will get you on the right path.

From south Colorado Springs Bear Creek Park to North Colorado Springs Fox Run hiking trails, these loops and out and back trails are the perfect way to introduce your kids to the outdoors.

Family hiking in Colorado near Breckenridge

Tips for hiking for families: Where to STart

Look for Ranch Dressing moments when family hiking in Colorado.

When I was a young mom, I had a friend who used to buy the largest containers of ranch dressing I’d ever seen. Every dinner it would be out on the table alongside the vegetable of the night.

She’d let her kids put as much ranch dressing as they wanted on their vegetables. They’d pour it like soup on top of their broccoli.

Horrified, I looked at my friend and she said, “When they are older they’ll not want as much ranch on their vegetables, but they’ll be in the habit of eating them.”

It’s similar with hiking.

Hiking fun near Mt Herman

Find those “ranch dressing” opportunities for your kids, and you’ll get them in the habit of hiking. As they age, the love of hiking will stay mostly.

Teen years are a bit more challenging - we could do an entire post on hiking with teens. One tip that’s worked lately is starting out later in the day. While this isn’t ideal for Colorado’s fickle weather, it gets the whole family on the trail.

We think the earlier you get your kids out on Colorado trails, the better. One of the best hiking tips I learned from a seasoned mom was BE FLEXIBLE. Have a plan, hold it loosely and when things start spiraling, pivot.

Also knowing what to bring to a hike is key for success. I would often thrown in some mini candy bars as positive rewards for a job well done!

It’s not always a fun picnic BUT promise you, this family hike ended well!

colorado trails guided hikes

Come hike with us.

Two Colorado friends who lead the way. Guided hikes and curated hiking plans.

Hiking Fun *Tips and Tricks

Image by CO14K.

Hiking fun through Garden of the Gods. Image by CO14K.

What to bring to a Hike

Hiking in Colorado without kids is a piece of cake right? Lace up your boots, grab a few snacks in your backpack and off you go - just you and the trail! Hiking for families involves quite a bit more equipment and preparation.

Sometimes trying to figure out what to bring on a hike and where to go along with all their snacks (and diapers) feels like climbing a 14er.

Every part of your life got re-wired by this little person, and hiking is no different. If you want to succeed, you’ve got to be prepared.

We are here to tell you, take hope! As two moms with teens and young adults, it does get easier.

AND kids surprise you with how quickly they pick up on the whole hiking gig. Give them ownership of their small hiking backpack, add in a few treats and bam, you are a hiking family.

As avid hikers with over 40 years of combined hiking experience under our belts, we have a few things we never leave home without. We put them all in a simple hiking checklist.

Hit the button below and print the FREE Dayhike Checklist


Melody with her two oldest hiking up Helen Hunt Falls

What to CArry on a Hike

You need the right daypack; a backpack that fits your body and can carry essential hiking gear parent style. Many diaper bags convert as backpacks. However, a true hiking backpack has extras you’ll love - whistle for safety, extra pockets to stash snacks along with rain covers for those sudden Colorado summer storms.

CoHH Tip! Shop REI during their sales (Labor Day and Memorial Day often have HUGE price reductions on big ticket essential hiking gear) or local used gear stores. No matter where you go, make sure you get fitted for a day pack.

The biggest plus for a good backpack is having it sit on your hips vs. your shoulders

If you don’t have time to go in for a fitting, take Osprey’s packfinder quiz. We found our favorite backpack, the Osprey Sirrus, this way.

These packs are roomy enough to fit in all the snacks, diapers and wipes you need as well as hiking essentials for those Colorado hiking trails.

Not sure what type of backpack you want? We tested six popular backpacks on Colorado trails. Bottle holder? Straps for extra stuff? Small pouches for lip balm, medicine and sunscreen? We stuffed it all in, and took it out on some of the best hikes in Colorado.

The backpack is like your purse, medicine cabinet, pantry, and glove compartment all wrapped into one and slung over your back.

Related Link: Load your backpack with essential hiking gear. We can’t guarantee great weather or meltdown free days. BUT we can promise it will set you up for success on some of the best family hiking in Colorado.

Note mama’s leopard pack - sometimes you use what you got!


  • Toilet paper

  • Lip balm

  • Sunscreen

  • Sunglasses

  • Wet wipes

  • Bags to pack out trash

  • An extra pair of socks (or whatever your kid tends to need extra of)

  • Layers *wool, nylon or spandex. Leave cotton at home.

  • Extra battery to charge the phone (and the cord!)

  • Hats (sun protection year round, beanies for warmth in cooler months)

  • Medication *as needed

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Pocket knife/eating utensils *to make sure the treats are exactly even!

  • Emergency blanket/shelter

  • WAG bag/BIFF supplies *tp/waste bag/shovel

Headed up Section 16 with an improvised backpack - not recommended!

Child Carrier Backpacks

While the intent of a family hike is for kids to walk on their own two feet, let’s be realistic. There are times when you need to carry them. That’s where the child carrier backpack comes in!

When Melody’s youngest daughter was around 3, she insisted on hiking Section 16. About halfway up the first long hill it became apparent improvisation was required for everyone to summit.

While putting a 25 lb kid in a regular daypack kind of worked, a child carrier backpack would have been far superior for everyone.

As with everything, this outdoor gear niche market is constantly changing. We no longer carry kids on our backs. but Switchback Travel breaks down the top child carrier packs of 2024.

As fans of Osprey, we were pleased to hear on repeat the high marks Osprey child carrier backpacks get.

If you’re unsure where to even begin in this market, check out Osprey’s Packfinder Quiz. It’s a simple online tool that gives you great intel on exactly where your hard earned dollars should be spent.

Hike Ideas: Take a minute to refresh at a stream!

Hydration and Water

For many of the best hikes in Colorado, you are far from water. Make sure to bring enough water so your little dudes and dudettes stay hydrated.

In Colorado, overestimate how much water you’ll need. The dry air and altitude can dehydrate quickly!

And I’m not going to lie, it means you are going to have to carry it. Depending on the length of your hike and the age of your kids, will determine just how much of that H2O you’ll need to lug.

Hiking tip? Gauge about 24-32 oz per person for a 2 hour hike.

What to drink on colorado Trails

Note the tevas with smartwool socks. Perfectly fine footwear for these family hikes in Colorado Springs.

As with most essential hiking gear, you have options. Water bottles and hydration packs come in so many varieties.

  • For little kids, flip top sippy straw style is the way to go. You want them to be able to self serve—not throw a mini tantrum because the Hydroflask is too heavy and they can’t unscrew the cap.

  • Make it easy for them. And, consider how to make it easy for you!

  • Many daypacks come with hydration systems where you can carry 1-3 liters of water on your back in a special bladder with a hose that clips right to your shoulder.

    You might not have three arms, but with this setup you can help your kids with their stuff while sipping your own water.

  • Camelback makes great kid packs and hydration pouches. We think kids drink more when they carry their own water.

LOCAL TIP! If you’re just beginning family hikes, bring the humble bottle of water. See what works on a few hikes before shelling out money on a hydration system.

We are partial to the $10 camelbak bottles. If they get misplaced, there is less weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Hike ideas should always include favorite snacks *kid’s choice.

Snacks – Where the parent becomes legendary

Mastering your snack game is a critical part to making family hiking a success. Let’s break this down shall we?

Family hiking in Colorado is always better with tons of snack options!

  • Reliable Favorites – When kids are out of their element, they like things that provide stability.

    If they snack on goldfish crackers and raisins at home, then bring goldfish crackers and raisins on the hike. Knowing that they have something reliable helps a lot.

  • Bars – Energy bars balance sweet and salty, and are a portable and easy to eat snack. Our kids loved the sea salt chocolate Rx bars.

    LOCAL TIP! Teach your kids about taking care of our planet, and have them pack out the wrappers. Let’s all do our part to Leave No Trace.

  • Healthy – Apples with a small pack of peanut butter make for a super healthy snack or crackers with cheese.

  • The Treat – on EVERY hike, make sure you have a treat. This is what levels up your hike from “okay” to some of the best Colorado hikes your kid will ever take.

    It could be rice krispies, brownies, cookies, gummy bears… whatever your kid loves as a treat, make sure you have that.

    LOCAL TIP! When you get to high point of your hike—the waterfall you hiked to or that awesome view—whip out that treat and do the following:

    • Praise your child for being awesome and getting to the point you were hiking for     

    • Tell them how proud you are and how strong they are

    • Ask them about what their favorite part of the hike is

    • Give them the treat

    • Take a selfie

What to wear on Colorado Hikes

Hiking in Colorado is all about layers. Before you run out and buy new clothes, check the closets. I bet you have everything you need. Each season has a slightly different wardrobe addition or subtraction. We love local used gear stores for items kids quickly outgrow. Sell what no longer fits and buy new to them gear.

  • Running shoes or sandals with socks. Keens or Chacos are great as well as old tennis shoes.

  • Hats Colorado has endless amounts of sun. A hat, any type, baseball cap, sunhat, covers those little heads and keeps them hydrated.

  • No matter the season, layers are the way to go. Start with a nylon or polyester t-shirt and add from there.

    For summer months, a long sleeve and light jacket works. In winter, add a fleece, puffer, hat and gloves.

    LOCAL TIP! Add an extra pair of socks or an entire outfit into your backpack. Kids love water.

    Water and shoes equal blisters and lots of complaining. Prevent both with a quick change of clothes.

  • Walking Pole or Stick Let your kids find a downed branch or carry a hiking pole. They’ll have something to lean on while helping with uphill portions. Or if they’re like my son, it becomes a lightsaber.

Related Link: If you’re curious what to wear hiking in Colorado, we did the homework for you. Make your life easy and download the Colorado capsule wardrobe. (Kids wear smaller versions of our adult duds - our checklist works for both.)


Hiking in Colorado isn’t always super easy.

Family Hike Fun

Let’s face it, there will be complaining.

“My feet hurt,” “This is too long.” “Why do we have to go on some dumb hike?”

Trust me. Our kids have said that and much worse. Don’t end the hike with everyone grumpy and having a “never again” moment.

LOCAL TIP! Know when to STOP and end the hike. Head home happy not miserable.

Colorado hiking trails have the best hiking sticks for kids to find and use.

However, before throwing in the towel, Here's a few hike tips and tricks we’ve used to keep the day fun.

  • PLAY GAMES *Frugal Backpacker has loads of hiking fun ideas such as Nature Scavenger Hunt, I Spy, Engage the Senses (Take your rest break to be quiet for 30 seconds. What do you hear, see, smell?)

  • LET THEM FIND their hiking stick and use it.

  • TAKE REGULAR BREAKS Little legs get tired quicker than big legs. More rest means more time enjoying the amazing Colorado outdoors.

  • LET YOUR KIDS EXPLORE Don’t be afraid to let them wander a bit.

  • ASK QUESTIONS We’ve found taking kids hiking sparks curious questions and conversation.

    If you’re stumped for questions, we love these storyline cards. Bring a few on the hike, a few for the card ride and maybe even use them over a family meal.

Family hiking in Colorado is always more fun when you bring your dog. *Follow leash laws please!

The Best Colorado Trails for Family Hiking *Colorado Springs version

Most kids can’t tackle a 14er without a lot of training first. If that’s your goal, check out a few favorite 14ers that are doable with some training for stamina, a lot of snacks and an early start.

If you are brand new to hiking in Colorado, there’s no shame (and actually a lot of wisdom) in working your way up to longer hikes. Not sure where to even begin, check out these beginners hiking tips.

kids and mom hiking flat trails in colorado

Family hikes in Colorado are more fun with friends along. Image by CO14K.

Family Hiking South Colorado Springs

Bear Creek Regional Park and Nature Center

245 Bear Creek Rd, Colorado Springs, CO (South end Colorado Springs)

Trail Options:

  • Nature Center 2 mile loop

    Stroller friendly, this main loop takes you by horse stables and Bear Creek. A semi shaded trail, consider allowing your kids to stop and play in the creek on a hot day. Keep going into a large field with a little uphill and no shade. You’ll end up at two shaded pavilions, the perfect place for that picnic lunch you brought!

  • Lower Bear Creek Park 2.6 miles of rolling hills

    Another great loop that starts and ends near two covered pavilions. Lots of parking along with wide well marked dirt trails, making this a fun family hike for all ages.

  • Coyote Gulch Trail and Creekbottom Loop 1.3 mile

    Taking kids hiking on this trail is perfect on a summer day. It skirts along the creek, allowing the fun dip or extended water play that make hiking in Colorado for kids so much fun!

A children’s hiking backpack should be loaded with snacks, layers and water.

Before you start your hike, stop in at the Bear Creek Nature Center and use the bathroom. Trust me, you’ll be happy to avoid the “I’ve gotta go now mom” issue.

Make sure to check out some of the center’s exhibits and programs. They do a great job creating immersive exhibits and often have volunteers ready to answer the bajillion questions your kids have.

  • Outdoor nature classrooms

  • Kids day camps

  • Forest bathing sessions

  • Guided tour of local Colorado wildlife

  • Big bee colony

With amazing views of Cheyenne Mountain as well as an attached 25 acre dog park, this park has it all!

What to Bring on Family Hikes in Colorado: A Paper Map

hiker using paper map to find way on colorado trails

Find waypoints on Colorado hiking trails using paper maps.

Teach your kids hiking skills with map reading. The fancy term for this artform is orienteering. But that requires a compass and a topographical map along with some expertise. So maybe just stick to the basics with a Pocket Pals trail map.

Pocket Pals trail maps are small, easy to read and colorful.

Rain and tear resistant, these little maps give you great trails to try, color coded with way points. Empower your kids with knowledge. For your older kids, make it a competition. Who can find the waypoints first?

PLUS: Download the map on your phone to ensure your little hiker is headed on Colorado trails in the right direction.

Receive 10% OFF any of Pocket Pals digital and waterproof paper maps when you use our promo code “10%OFF”. Tap on button below to purchase.

Starsmore Discovery Center

1401 Recreation Way, Colorado Springs, CO (South End Colorado Springs)

Located on the edge of North Cheyenne Canon Park, this is a winner in our book! You have access to all the amazing trails in North Cheyenne park as well as shorter routes suited for little legs.

Trail Options:

  • Helen Hunt Falls less than 1 mile uphill

    While a very short hike, there are many stairs involved. Strollers don’t work on this one! The path in most places is 2 people wide, allowing ease for passing. It is steep but well bordered with rocks and barriers.

    You can park at the Starsmore Center. Limited parking along with several porta potties are located at the trailhead, a 2.5 mile drive up N Cheyenne Canyon Road, just off Cheyenne Blvd.

  • Lower Columbine Trail 2.2 miles

    You can start at the Starsmore Center and connect to the Columbine trailhead (check All Trails App for more details).

    The first part of this trail belongs to several trails so expect people. The trail itself was groomed recently and easy to walk on, perfect for all size legs and feet. You’ll run into Helen Hunt Falls - a must stop for kids and grownups alike!

Park at the Starsmore Center after your hike. Bathrooms available for little bladders. Enjoy fun interactive exhibits and summer day camp options. Feel free to bring leashed dogs.

LOCAL TIP! Check the Center’s website for hours of operation.

We often take family hikes in Colorado near North Cheyenne Canyon Park.


North Cheyenne Canyon has over 55 trails to hike. Explore Spectacular Trails in North Cheyenne Canyon Colorado Springs on a family hike. While parking can be a hot mess in summer months, get there early and you’ll slide right into the perfect spot!

We love Seven Bridges Hike, one of the best hiking trails in Colorado Springs. This Colorado hiking trail takes you along a creek, crossing 7 wood bridges.

Add on more miles and see Pikes Peak from the summit of Kineo Mountain.

Wear sun protection family hiking in Colorado.

Family Hiking North Colorado Springs

Black Forest Regional Park

4800 Shoup Road (North end of Colorado Springs off Milam Rd.)

What a fun place for kids to run and roam free! This park is surrounded by pine trees and a well marked trail. With rolly hills and a wide path, this mostly shaded trail is perfect for the independent toddler.

Trail is 2.1 mile loop.

Remnants of the devastating Black Forest Fire of 2013 remain on parts of the trail. Dogs are welcomed to tag along on leashes.

LOCAL TIP! Play a game of nature hide and seek. The hiders run 10 or 20 feet ahead of the group and have the seeker count to 50. The seeker finds the hiders. Perfect for energetic kids and tired parents.

Pineries Open Space trails are perfectly suited for family hiking.

BONUS HIKE: THe Pineries Open Space

Miles 8.6 miles Elevation gain 547 ft Route type Loop

The trailhead is very close to Black Forest Regional Park. Alltrails has excellent directions!

Pineries Open Space Colorado hiking trails map

Don’t let the mileage or the route type scare you off. Hiking in Colorado is about freedom and flexibility.

While its long, there is so much to see and do on this hike. It’s also the perfect trail for mountain bike beginners.

Or if you’re like me, put the kids on bikes while you get your long run in!

Tons of parking and two very clean toilets at the trailhead make this a winning trail already!

Take a picture of the map by the bathroom if you need to follow a trail. It’s well marked, and as a loop, you can go right or left and still make it back to your car.

Most of the trail is well shaded. However, the middle section is a wide open meadow with many burned trees from the 2013 Black Forest Fire. Stay on the trail and look around. Tons of new growth has sprung up over the years.

About 3.5 miles in, you’ll have a chance to see Pikes Peak at the small overlook. Hiking tip! This is the perfect snacking point and a place to put down that child carrier backpack. Yep, we know your back is sore!

With mostly rolling hills and around 500’ elevation gain, plan a day of adventuring in this area.

mom and kids hiking fox run park

Fox Run Park family hike Image by CO14K.

Fox Run Park

North end Colorado Springs, Monument

As you drive into this park, you’ll feel like you’ve entered a magical pine forest.

Two large playgrounds and wide open areas for frisbee and flag football welcome you into this expansive Colorado park

With two large enclosed dog parks, a beautiful pond and fountain, as well as sand volleyball courts, this park truly has something for everyone. The city has narrowed down a new nature center in this area. Hopefully by 2023 the park will have permission to start building!

Trail Options:

  • Fox Run Loop Trail: 3.1 mile Loop

    This family hiking trail has lots of connecting spur trails. Let your kids explore where those trails lead. (Hint: All trails lead back to the main trail. They won’t get lost.)

  • Fox Run Southern Trail: 1.4 mile Loop

    This loop has a few incline hills. Be aware of ice if you are planning on hiking in the winter months.

    New to winter hiking? Check out some winter hiking tips such as bringing an extra set of mittens.

  • Fallen Timbers Trail: 1.5 miles.

    In spring and fall, this park is a prime Colorado Springs photo location for senior pictures, homecoming and prom dance photos as well as family photos.

Colorado family hikes take you to new heights *Mt Herman

Mount Herman

Monument, Colorado (I25 to Mt Herman Road) *This road has many rocks and large holes. Consider carpooling and taking your AWD high clearance vehicle to this trailhead.

Trail Options:

  • Mt Herman Trail: 2.1 miles Out and Back route

    While a moderate trail in some points, there are a fair amount of hills.

    In summer months, you’ll see hundreds of wildflowers. Winter hiking here can be a bit slick if you have a child on your back. Clear skies can mean views of peaks to the west and maybe even the Denver skyline.

    LOCAL TIP! This trail can be a bit of scramble at the top. Stick close to your little hikers. Download the map from All Trails or COTREX if this is your first time out. It’s not super well marked and easy to get off trail.

Some of the best Colorado hikes are in late summer when wildflowers are blooming.

BONUS HIKE: Santa Fe Open Space

Mileage in Open Space: 1.75 miles

Boating on Palmer Lake, the Trailhead for the Open Space

Palmer Lake’s most recent hiking project was completed in 2022. Connected to the famous Santa Fe Trail, the Open Space is about a 1/4 mile from Palmer Lake.

Address: Palmer Lake, New Santa Fe Regional Trail, Palmer Lake, CO 80133

Directions: Follow I-25 N to CO-105 W in Monument. Take exit 161 from I-25 N. Follow CO-105W. Parking lot is to left right before the railroad crossing.

Bathrooms and a large playground are there for the pre hike routine. Make it a day trip and throw in a stand up paddle board or fishing pole. Palmer Lake is open to the public.

Pineries Open Space Colorado trail map

From the playground, head south for around 1/2 mile. The Open Space trail will be on your left. A single-track circuit takes you 1.75 miles on a well marked Colorado hiking trail. View of Pikes Peak as well as lush pine trees, scrub oak and wildflowers line the way.

Well marked trail signs within the loop

If you want to add more miles to your hike (or bike ride - this trail is relatively flat for beginner bikers), you can park in Monument at the trailhead right after passing the Dollar General store on Colorado 105. From this trailhead head 2½ miles on the trail to the Open Space loop.

Related Link:

Palmer Lake and the Palmer Lake Reservoirs have some of the best hikes in Colorado. Snowshoe there in the winter or do some serious leaf peeping in the fall. Summer hikes in this area provide some awesome raspberry tasting.

Family Hiking East of Colorado Springs

The Painted Mines

29950 Paint Mines Road
Calhan, CO 80808

One of Colorado’s most unique open spaces, the Painted Mines is a must see! About a 45 minute drive from Colorado Springs, make this a half day hiking outdoor adventure. However, if your kids struggle with staying on trail, this might be one to skip.


First thing you’ll notice are the bands of pinks, blues and yellows in these unique rock formations.

LOCAL TIP! For thousands of years, wind and rain eroded these rocks. The colors are a result of oxidized iron in the soul. Local Native American tribes collected this colored clay for pottery and paint.

It’s important to keep your kids OFF the rocks. Use this opportunity to educate your kids on proper trail behavior. Going off trail damages the delicate ecosystem. Make it a game and reward the best trail hiker with a sucker.

The trail is a 3.4 mile loop. This trail gets VERY muddy after snow or rain. Avoid this trail in Spring, Colorado’s mud season.

Bathrooms located in the main parking area.

Image by CO14K.

Image by CO14K.

More Family Hikes in Colorado

Whether this is your first time taking family hikes in Colorado, or your hundredth, Colorado Springs has so many trails to explore. Many of the regional parks have dog parks where your dog can run free. Below are more CoHH Colorado hikes we do on repeat with our kids.

For more family hiking in Colorado outside of Colorado Springs, consider these 9 dynamite family hikes near Denver!

If you’d like to combine hiking and sightseeing, check out our insiders guide to summer vacation in Colorado Springs. We included our favorite family hiking in Colorado Springs options along with local restaurants and places to visit.

More fantastic views around Pikes Peak

What better way to experience this city's stunning panoramic vistas than through the exhilarating Seven Falls ziplines?

Whether you're an adrenaline junkie seeking adventure or a nature lover looking for unique ways to see the views, here are the best Colorado Springs ziplines.

Soar above treetops, glide across canyons with your crew, and leave with an unforgettable experience under Pikes Peak. These are some of the highest, longest ziplines in Colorado. Height and weight requirements apply for safety reason.

When you book this or most other Broadmoor outdoor adventures online and you enter our exclusive reader promo code "COHIKES", you save 10% OFF that experience!

Kid Friendly Hops


9697 Prominent Point, Colorado Springs 80924 719 4247929 Open 8:30 am-8 pm

Best known for homemade gelato, sorbet and ice cream, you can also get great tasting coffee or a full meal from their sandwich, salad and breakfast menu. This place hits the spot for a post hike treat.


4785 Barnes Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80917 719 596 7191 Open 11 am to 10 pm.

This family friendly budget conscious ice cream shop serves up ice cream, soft serve and getato. Stop here on your home from the Painted Mines and Garden of the Gods.

Josh and John’s

With two locations, downtown (think Starsmore Center and Bear Creek Park areas) and north (Fox Run Park and Black Forest Park) take your kids for a cone post hike. While we aren’t saying bribery is essential for a successful hike, offering to buy cones post hiking on Colorado trails might just keep the complaining at bay.

Related Links

WE’d love to know where you take family hikes in colorado springs. Leave us a comment!